Saturday, May 04, 2013

Coloring Sketches

  I have made so much sketches all over my life, and it was uncountable. But not all of them were my favorite and even maybe twice a year  i rechecked my archive and trashing some of them. I could make even 15 free hand sketches in about two or three hours, but then they goes to archive folder and untouched for long. Then when i have times and a good mood i sort some of my favorite and coloring them. It's been a new habit for me to coloring my sketches. I found them more attracting in colors. at the first time, i just coloring with the full color on the object then i found it so flat and not life. then i searching some colored fashion sketches in Internet. They used the color only to strong the line and the shading was nice. I tried following, then i learn how to do it. And YAY i found my sketches looks so much better now.

    I used water color pencil for my sketches, they are easy to use.then when i done with the pencils i brush it with wet small paintbrush. The colors look like a paint color and its so pretty.
These are the result:

  Then a few days ago i tried to use some of acrylics paint to my sketches, it was fun exploring new things. But thought that i need more and more practicing using these acrylics paint.
Check out my the result!!

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