Saturday, November 09, 2013

Indonesia Korea Fashion Conference

           Thursday, October 4rd 2013. Me and one of my friend from college attending Indonesia and Korean fashion Conference in Textile Museum, Jakarta. There was fashion exhibiton from IKJ (Indonesia) and some Korean fashion designers which are really fabulous and unique. There were also seminar and presentation from diffrent speaker about fashion and culture in each country.

     It was a great experience to attend event like this, it's makes me know a little bit about Korean culture and also their fashion product. Here are some photos you may like to see!!

Rahgutama Agatha

Vissiting Lenny Agustin Boutique

  Tuesday, September 17th 2013 was my second day as fashion student in Akademi Seni Rupa dan Desain ISWI (ASRIDE ISWI). The day filled by fashion trip to one of famous Indonsian fashion designer boutique "Lenny Agustin" in Setiabudi, South Jakarta. Lenny Agustin, she will also be my teacher at my 3rd semester later. She's teaching accessories and fashion design in my college.

      Lenny Agustin better known as one of the most characteristic fashion designer who always showing girly, funky and playfull design. she uses so many traditional fabrics combining with hand crafted accessories with lots of colour, made her collection being one of very unique collection.

And here are the photos!!

Me and my friend "Wina" standing besides the two mannequine of Lenny Agustin's Collection

Lenny Agustin's Collection

Lenny Agustin's Collection

We are just so lucky to be able seing the behind the scene of her next project

Me and my friend "Nida" posing with our future teacher - gonna be soon :P

Rahgutama Agatha ;D

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Kualanamu International Airport

    Sunday, 27th July 2013 is my second flight and i'm going back to Bukit Lawang, last flight when i go to Jakarta the plane take off from Polonia Airport. But since 25th July the new Medan Airport called Kualanamu officially working. and its really great experience landing in the new place you never seen before. The building is really huge and mostly the technology look the same with Soekarno - Hatta (Jakarta) airport. But the areal look so barren because there's no plant yet like we can see beautiful garden in Jakarta's Airport. And it also because the airport surrounded by the palm oil plantation, makes the environment so dry.
But i believe in the next few months, when everything ready it must be the coolest airport in Indonesia as it has the railway train. and hopefully everything like the public transportation organized well. 

And here are the photos


Reka Baru Desain Indonesia

Fashion Installation in the front gate

  Wednesday, 24th July 2013. Me and some of my friends were invited to attend the opening of creative event ceremony titled " Reka Baru Desain Indonesia" in National Museum, Jakarta. The event was held by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy aimed to attract talent and creative design work of the nation.
The event opened by the traditional dance performance and some speech of the government, and there was fashion installation from some designers and also small fashion show with only five looks, and closed by the Professional singer Syaharani.

    The event was dress coded with the traditional style " Sarong " which is very simple garment with the tube shape and every guest have to make creation from with. Me and my friends was really excited and challenged by the dress code. I made myself a sarong vest which i bring from Bukit Lawang. I cut very simple shape at the night before the event day, and the next morning i came to tailor to sew the hem. and its quite good as it really hurry. LOL


me and my friends with Lenny Agustin creation

     It was my very first time attending the fashion event, and it's really wowed me as i can see so many fashionable people and also famous designers, i seen Musa Widyatmodjo, Taruna Kusmayadi, and also Dina Midiani . And i also met a friend from other fashion collage, it was really fun and valuable experience for me.

And here more photos!!

Susan Budihardjo insttalation


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jakarta, I’m Coming!!!

     Saturday, 8th June 2013 was the special day for me because I came to Jakarta with my very first flight. I go by Air Asia airlines, departed at 07.50 am from Medan and arrived at 10.15 am in Jakarta. It was early flight. So the day before, I have to staying overnight in Medan in my friend’s house, and my friend, Bang Febo take me to Polonia airport at about 06.00 am.

    And when I arrived in Jakarta, I have to staying about 2 hours in airport, waiting for my friend and take a lunch. I don’t wait for him to pick me to the airport. But at that time he was busy working and waiting to lunch time for contact me and directing me to go to his place. I was really confused because I don’t know Jakarta yet and it seems too crowd. I asked him how about if I go by Taxi, and he said I could be stuck in the traffic and It cost so much money. So he suggested me to go by Damri buss. And so on, I take courage to go by the buss. And yes,  it don’t seems as bad as I was thinking. The buss was great. It quite fast and quite comfort inside. Then I stopped in a front of UHAMKA University, Pasar Rebo.

Gate in Sokarno Hatta Airport
Soekarno Hatta entrance gate

Transport Station in front of Soekarno Hatta Aiport
My very first Damri buss ticket

     Again and again, I have to wait my friend to meet me about almost one hour. However he tried to back from work earlier than usually and I’m so grateful about it. And finally he came and take me to his Kost not too far from there.

my shelter while waiting for my friend to picked up me, in Fornt of UHAMKA University
my front view, Raya Bogor Flyover

        The next day, I was really grateful because it was Sunday and my friend’s day off. So he can accompany me to find the location of the Collage I’ll be joint in. It quite far trip with two times busses and took almost 2 hour from his place. But it really doesn’t matter because I just need to visit the collage once a week for 2 months. Anyway I’ll be very lonely if I rent a room by myself around the collage. And I really grateful to have this lovely fiend in Jakarta, it such huge help.

In Front of ISWI Collage

    It such a joy when we found the Collage. But unfortunately we can’t enter because it was holiday and the gate closed. Just staring the building from outside and take some photos then we back to our place happily. Yaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!


Saturday, May 04, 2013

Coloring Sketches

  I have made so much sketches all over my life, and it was uncountable. But not all of them were my favorite and even maybe twice a year  i rechecked my archive and trashing some of them. I could make even 15 free hand sketches in about two or three hours, but then they goes to archive folder and untouched for long. Then when i have times and a good mood i sort some of my favorite and coloring them. It's been a new habit for me to coloring my sketches. I found them more attracting in colors. at the first time, i just coloring with the full color on the object then i found it so flat and not life. then i searching some colored fashion sketches in Internet. They used the color only to strong the line and the shading was nice. I tried following, then i learn how to do it. And YAY i found my sketches looks so much better now.

    I used water color pencil for my sketches, they are easy to use.then when i done with the pencils i brush it with wet small paintbrush. The colors look like a paint color and its so pretty.
These are the result:

  Then a few days ago i tried to use some of acrylics paint to my sketches, it was fun exploring new things. But thought that i need more and more practicing using these acrylics paint.
Check out my the result!!