Saturday, November 09, 2013

Vissiting Lenny Agustin Boutique

  Tuesday, September 17th 2013 was my second day as fashion student in Akademi Seni Rupa dan Desain ISWI (ASRIDE ISWI). The day filled by fashion trip to one of famous Indonsian fashion designer boutique "Lenny Agustin" in Setiabudi, South Jakarta. Lenny Agustin, she will also be my teacher at my 3rd semester later. She's teaching accessories and fashion design in my college.

      Lenny Agustin better known as one of the most characteristic fashion designer who always showing girly, funky and playfull design. she uses so many traditional fabrics combining with hand crafted accessories with lots of colour, made her collection being one of very unique collection.

And here are the photos!!

Me and my friend "Wina" standing besides the two mannequine of Lenny Agustin's Collection

Lenny Agustin's Collection

Lenny Agustin's Collection

We are just so lucky to be able seing the behind the scene of her next project

Me and my friend "Nida" posing with our future teacher - gonna be soon :P

Rahgutama Agatha ;D

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